Bubble Gum True Wireless Cordless (10 Colors) (2024)

  • Do you offer any protective cases for the case? Or which cases are compatible that fit other earbuds?

    yes, we offer TBCASE , SGCASE, XGCASE . please check from amazon.com

  • How do I answer a call with my earbuds paired to my iphone?

    please double touch on the earbuds (L or R) touch area

  • Where/how can I buy replacement ear tips for my T-100s?

    please email contact to support@iluv.com

  • My ear buds automatically turn off after an hour. Is there a way to disable this function?

    it designed as auto power off if it didn't use in 1hrs. this function can't be disable.

  • When placed into the charging case my right earbud isnt showing the light indicating that it's charging, is there something that can be done?

    suggest you to clean the charging pin in the charging case, also clean the earbud's charging point, then put earbud into charging case to try again, make sure the earbud well sit in the place. if still didn't show on the solid red led light, than the earbud does not hold for charge,

  • Is there a way to turn the bass up?


  • compatible for android and iphone?


  • How to turn up volume from earbug

    * if your earbuds are V1.4 or V2.0 and above, you can turn up volume from R earbuds by press & hold.
    * if your earbuds are V1.3 or V1.2, , you can't turn up volume from earbug, but only from your mobile.

  • Hello, I have two quick questions.How do I know that my case needs charging? Do I wait for the last red light to go out or is that a sign itself that it needs charging? Also, there is no way that the buds can overcharge, right? They never go below 70% because I don't use them for long periods of time, so I put them back in their case and they charge again. I shouldn't worry that they are being overcharged or that I'm not using them correctly, right?Thank you in advance.

    1/ suggest you let the charging case to charge when it left last Led light ,
    2/ you put back your earbuds into the charging case, and you dont need to worry the earbuds are being overcharged.

  • I dropped my left earbud and now it won't work unless I shake it or move it in a certain way how can I fix it?

    The left earbud might be defective after it dropped on hard surface, suggest to purchased new earpieces and contact to support@iluv.com, to provide your earbuds' color and delivery address for checking shipping cost as well.

  • When i try to connect them to my computer, they say they are connected, but when i go to play music, it plays out of my computer and not my earbuds. Ive used these earbuds succesfully with my computer before, is there any way i can fix this issue and get them to fully connect again?

    * please fully charged your earbuds
    * please remove your earbuds from your phone bt device list and also remove from your computer.
    * please reconnect your earbuds to your computer again.

  • My right earbud stopped working and I’ve turned my Bluetooth on and off many times but it won’t work, is there anything else I can do ?

    1. You can remove this device name from your phone and computer BT device list.
    2. Fully charge your earbuds and reset pairing

    1.Take both earbuds out from the charging case.

    2.Connect the USB to the charging case and make sure the USB is connected to a power source.

    3.First place the right earbud into the charging case, make sure the red LED on the earbud is on

    (this indicates it's charging)

    4.Then place the L earbud into the charging case, once again make sure the red LED on the

    earbud is on.

    5.Leave both earbuds in the charging case for about 2-3 hours.

    6.Take both earbuds out after charging and insert into your ear.

    7.If you hear a beep sound from both earbuds simultaneously then your earbuds are paired and

    you're good to go!

    1. If you hear a beep from each earbud separately at different times, simply double tap either

    earbud on the center and it will repair

    1. Then from your phone to look for your earbuds to connect with.
  • Do the earbuds have noise cancellations?

    It has no noise cancellations.

  • como puedo hacer encender un auricular, si ya intente colocarlo en el estuche pero no enciende la luz roja y al momento de sacarlo no enciende nada, no carga, no indica que está encendido, no hace nada.

    How can I turn on a headset, if I already try to place it in the case but the red light does not turn on and when I remove it it does not turn on anything, it does not charge, it does not indicate that it is on, it does nothing.

    from iLuv :
    1. please check whether you remove the anti-contact film around the earbuds or the charging case.
    2. after remove the anti-contact film, plug in power cable to your charging case and connect with your charger (suggest 5V 1A oe 5V 2A charger)
    3. then put back your earbuds into the charging case, see wehther the led on earbuds will turn on red, and solid red under it's charging...
    4. close the charging case cover, keep for 2-3 hours, then check up the earbuds' LED turns off , it was fully charged.
    when both earbuds fully charged, it will auto-turn on when pull out from the charging case.

    if it wont help for resolve your earbuds' issue, please contact : support@iluv.com for further assistant.

  • I have owned many pairs of earbuds. This set is not saying anything and won't pair up with my android.Help!!

    1. You can remove this device name from your phone and computer BT device list.
    2. Fully charge your earbuds and reset pairing

    1.Take both earbuds out from the charging case.

    2.Connect the USB to the charging case and make sure the USB is connected to a power source.

    3.First place either one of earbud into the charging case, make sure the red LED on the earbud is on

    (this indicates it's charging)

    4.Then place the other one earbud into the charging case, once again make sure the red LED on the

    earbud is on.

    5.Leave both earbuds in the charging case for about 2-3 hours.

    6.Take both earbuds out after charging and insert into your ear.

    7.If you hear a beep sound from both earbuds simultaneously then your earbuds are paired and

    you're good to go!

    1. If you hear a beep from each earbud separately at different times, simply double tap either
    If still can't resolve your issues, please email to support@iluv.com for further support.

    earbud on the center and it will repairThen from your phone to look for your earbuds to connect with.

  • Both of my buds connect but only one plays sound. Please help.

    please try disconnect , and connect once again, mostly can resove the issues. otherwise, please contact our support team at suppoer@iluv.com

  • one of my hearing aids has no audio, if it connects with my cell phone but I just stop having sound, it doesn't even sound when I turn on

    What do you mean "one of hearing airds has no audio" ? would you explain more details of your question?

  • Is there a way to adjust the microphone? People hear me very faintly.

    There is no adjustment on microphone gain as fixed from build in components. Suggest to move to quiet enviornement for phone conversation and turn up phone volume from both speaker and receiver's phone.

  • How do I answer the phone just using one earbud

    When you are using either one (L or R) of your earbud, you can Tap x 2 on your earbud to pick up the phone call.
    Note : Tapping sensitivity has been tuned to accept wide range of patterns of individuals. Please try your tapping style with a little bit more speed and pressure to be famillarized with better recorgnition.

  • How do you turn on earbuds if you don’t have the case....I left case at home but have an earbud and I can’t get it to power on

    To turn on the earbud, need to put it back to charging case and no other alternative "turn on" the earbud.

  • Can I disable the pause with double tap functionality?

    * To play/pause music, simply tap twice either earbud (L or R).

    Note: Tapping sensitivity has been tuned to accept wide range of patterns of individuals. Please try your tapping style with a little bit more speed and pressure to be familiarized with better recognition.

  • Will the red ones be coming back into stock soon?

    Yes, in stock now.

  • Hi, the left earbud has a constant Red LED and wont pair with the device. Its been this way for more than 24hrs despite recharging. Help please

    a. please plug in power cable to the charging case
    b. please take out the Left & right earbuds, then put only left earbud into case to charge.
    c. keep for charging 2-3 hrs, then to see whether left earbud red LED off--> then it's fully charge. if the red LED still on, it might have issue. then email to support@iluv.com for L earbud replacement.

  • How do you play audio on both earbuds on a iphone? I was able to figure it out for my android but not the iphone. It's an iphone XR.

    a. please make sure turn off your android phone's BT
    b. remove the pairing record on your iphoneXR
    c. Do scanning again, BT connection again on your iphone SR, then L & R earbuds can connect and play audio on bpth earbuds.

  • Can you use each bud on it's own, leaving one in the case without using both at the same time?

    yes, you can use each earbud on it's own and leaving one in the case.

  • Is there a way to turn them back on besides putting them in the charger and then take them back out again?

    Putting the earbuds in the charger and then take them out : That's the only way to turn the earbuds on .

  • When will Red Bubble gum be back in stock

    Do you mean BBGTWSAIRRD : the bubble gum true wireless cordless ? Stock available now.

  • Can you pair more than 1 pair of these earbuds to the same iphone so 2 people are listening to the same music at the same time?

    you can pair more than 1 pair of these earbuds to the same iphone, but iphone can only connect with 1 BT device at each time. so, you can't share same music from 1 iphone with 2 peoples through 2 pair of these earbuds at the same time.

  • why is one ear bud blinking blue

    it seems lost pairing. please follow below steps to reset the earbuds :-

    a. Fully charge your earbuds and reset pairing

    >1.Take both earbuds out from the charging case.

    > 2.Connect the USB to the charging case and make sure the USB is connected to a power source.

    > 3.First place the earbud (blinking blue) into the charging case (while the other earbud is out of case), make sure the red LED on the earbud is on (this indicates it's charging).-- please advise this status correct?

    > 4.Then place the other earbud into the charging case, once again make sure the red LED onthe earbud is on.

    > 5.Leave both earbuds in the charging case for about 2-3 hours.

    > 6.Take both earbuds out after charging and insert into your ear.

    > 7.If you hear a beep sound from both earbuds simultaneously then your earbuds are paired and you're good to go!

    > 8. If you hear a beep from each earbud separately at different times, simply double tap
    either earbud on the center and it will repair

    > c.Then from your phone to look for your earbuds to connect with .

    ***One earbud blinking blue, means it connected with the other earbud, and waiting to connect to BT device (the phone or the labtop..) ***

  • When will the rose gold be back in stock?

    the Rose Gold is in stock now

  • Are these A2DP compatible? When paired with an iPad the sound comes through the ear buds & the iPad. How do we get the sound to just come through the ear buds & not the iPad?

    Yes, it's A2DP compatible. when it paired with an iPad, naturally the sound comes from the earbuds.
    and from top/right corner of your ipad, if you swap and call out the control menu, you can choose the sound comes through the earbuds , or comes through the iPad; Not from both at the same time.

  • Do these only work with mobile devices so not with MacBook?

    this True Wireless earbuds works with mobile devices , labtops, MackBook...Pcs..

  • Why do my earbuds sound low, can I adjust the volume on the earpiece? My phone volume is on high

    The Bubble Gum True Wireless earbuds' sound output design at 105dB@1Khz, with maximum Volume (volume adjust from your phone)

    It’s higher enough for general user with hearing protection; if you think your earbuds sound below this level, it might individual unit issue and please contact our customer services team.

  • Left earbud stop working

    the Left earbud might out of battery power. please follow below steps to resolve the issues : -

    > A.You can remove this device name from your phone and computer BT device list.

    > B. Fully charge your earbuds and reset pairing

    1.Take both earbuds out from the charging case.

    2.Connect the USB to the charging case and make sure the USB is connected to a power source.

    3.First place left earbud into the charging case (while right earbud is out of case), make sure the red LED on the earbud is on (this
    indicates it's charging).-->please advise this status correct?
    4.Then place the right earbud into the charging case, once again make sure the red LED on the earbud is on.

    5.Leave both earbuds in the charging case for about 2-3 hours.

    6.Take both earbuds out after charging and insert into your ear.

    7.If you hear a beep sound from both earbuds simultaneously then your earbuds are paired and you're good to go!

    8. If you hear a beep from each earbud separately at different times, simply double tap either earbud on the center and it will repair

    > c. Then from your phone to look for your earbuds to connect with .

  • Is there any way that I could order replacement parts such as a new charging case if I needed?

    yes. you can contact to support@iluv.com to order the new charging case or eartips.

  • My right earbud stopped working what can I do?

    - Please remove both earbuds from the case.
    - Connect the case to a USB charger.
    - Place both ear buds back in the case and allow them to fully charge.

    If there is still an issue please submit a support ticket here. http://support.iluv.com/

  • How do I know when the case is fully charged?

    When the battery case is connected to a charger the case will show the battery strength using red LED's. The case is fully charged when all four LED's are solid red.

  • I have a coworker who ordered the TB100s and I was assisting them in trying to pair their earbuds to a Windows 11 PC. The earbuds are taken out of the case and they are in pairing mode, we add device in Bluetooth settings in windows and see the earbuds appear. We try to connect but after saying connecting… for a few minutes, it will say it failed to connect. How can we if at all get the earbuds connected to a Windows 11 laptop. The laptop detects and attempts to pair/connect but fails to.

    Bubble Gum True Wireless earbuds are compatible with Windows 11 PC/labtop. Please check your device' BT version and setting .

  • Is the charging case for these Buble Gum True Wireless Air buds Qi charging capable?

    it has not capable with Qi charging.

Bubble Gum True Wireless Cordless (10 Colors) (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.