The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

a 3 a MEMPHIS PRESS-SCIMITAR, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1964 PAGE 24 Norris Kessler Pharmacist, Dies Norris A. Kessler partin Kessler's Pharmacy at 1289 Madison, died at his home at 3:55 a.m. today after heart attack. Mr. Kessler, 47, was also associated withs the Physicians' and Surgeons' Pharmacy in the Baptist Hos pital.

He was a graduate of the University of TennesKessler see, and received his master's degree in pharmacy from Purdue Universitv. He was a faculty member of the College of Pharmacy of the Memphis a and Shelby U.T, and was a past president County Pharmaceutical Society. He was an instructor for the Dale Carnegie courses, and a member of the Dale Carnegie Alumni Association. He was a member of Bellevue Baptist Church and a lifelong Memphian. He leaves his wife, Frances L.

Kessler; a daughter, Mrs. Frances Jeanette Patterson A. Ridgley, Kessler Jr. of a the home Norris zest dress, 703 N. McLean; his mother, Mrs.

Charles T. Kessler, Robert Kessler and Everett Kessler, all of Memphis; and two sisters, including Bernice Kessler of Memphis. Services will be at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon at Memphis Funeral Home, with burial Memorial Park. Mrs. Mary Harris Mrs.

Mary Love Harris, 84, of 1946 Cowden, died at her home at 10 a.m. today, following a long illness. Mrs. Harris was born near Jackson, and had lived in Memphis almost 60 years. Deaths of Widely Known FROM PRESS DISPATCHES PALO ALTO.

Calif. -MISS ALMOND. 82. first head librarian at the Hoover Institution at Stanford UniverSily. LOS TOCH.

75. internationally known composer who came to the United States from Germany when the Nazis moved into power in 1933. BERRYVILLE, Va. -RALPH R. RICHARDSON, 85, founder and board chairman of the Chicago Carton Co.

In the early 1920s Richardson founded the United Biscuit Co. which he soon merged with Chicago Carton Co ANGELES. L. LOEB: 76. formerly Budapest-born managed the restaura- Astor teur, who Hotel dining rooms in New York City.

He also managed the Palace Hotel In San Francisco, the Uplifters Club in Santa Monica, the Hillerest Country Club in Los Angeles, and opened the Wilshire Bowl and Rodger Young Auditorium, both in Los Angeles. ARNOLD R. 55, noted authority on American econom1C history and one-time clarinetist in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Trailers, ice boxes, automobiles, five-acre tracts, warehouses? We've got them for sale on the classified advertising pages your best supermarket for things you want to buy or sell. Use The Commercial Appeal, Memphis Press-Scimitar Want Ads for results.

526- 8892. GIFTS TO NESS CYNTHIA MILK FUND OF THE In Memory (Of- MRS. SALLY BLEDSOE. a gift from Mr. and Mrs.

Bruce Graves. PEARL BROWN. gift from Mrs. Lazarus, W. F.

DAVIS, 3 rift from Miss Nettie Bryant, JACKIE KFOUGH. birthday memorial from his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krouch Judy.

and his brother and sister, and R. E. LYNCH. a gift from the employes of E. L.

Bruce Co. ROY MOORE. a gift from Memphis Works Managerial Club. HENRY C. RARERTS, a gift from Mrs.

Tessibel Lerner and Mrs. Grace Mae Smith. W. WERSTER, a gift from Mrs. Mary B.

Beecroft. FREDICK L. WILSON. a gift from Memphis Works Managerial Club. MRS.

LILLIE MAY WOOD. a gift from Dr. Mrs. Cecil Metz. in Miss Minnie Wade Her husband, Marvin E.

Harris, an insurance man, died in 1944. She was active in work at Union Avenue Methodist Church. She leaves two sons, Marvin Harris and James S. Harris, both of Memphis; two daughters, Mrs. Virginia Tomlin and Miss Sara E.

Harris, both of Memphis; three sisters, Mrs. Rose Tate of Memphis land Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and Mrs. Hugh Tant, both of Jackson, six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Memphis Funeral Home is in charge.

By Associated Press Minnie W. Wade, 73, a familiar figure on the University of Tennessee campus many years, is dead. Miss Wade, who retired in 1961 after serving 33 years as secretary of the University's Christian associations, died, after a long illness. Mrs. Nell Tigrett Mrs.

Nell Tigrett, employe of Lowenstein's, at her home at 3195 Circle at 1:10 a.m. She was the widow P. Tigrett, Memphis man who died in 1940. born in Salem, lived in Memphis years. She was a member Avenue Church of 40 years, and had been active in work She leaves two TODAY AND EVERY most complete Real this i is the Mid selection.

Personals HOUSEWIVES HOUSEWIVES--Children in you have a few extra hours Avon Cosmetics. 272-2042. LAND Nursery, Complete care, day and night. Pick up delivery service Weekly and rates. 1659 Poplar.

275-9692 LOANS UP TO $10.000 confidential. Delta Finance, 21 S. Cleveland. 274-2489. KARATE JAPAN JUDO SELL WAYS-276-6327 BE buy, sell or trade anything children.

Bankrupt Liq. Cleveland. 278-0466. LEARN TO DRIVE low as Guar. satisfaction.

TENN. Driving School 275-3600. TRULY WONDERFUL massage Wiggins. 1036 Mississippi. ALTERATIONS.

DRESSMAKING Work guar. Mrs. Darnell, Mrs. Sarah Jo Nunnally of the Waynoka Circle address, and John U. Wicker of Union City, a son, Charles N.

Wicker of Memphis; sister, Mrs. R. F. Ashmore of Senafive grandchildren and three grand. children.

Services will be at 1 p.m. tomorrow at Memphis Funeral Home, with burial in Memorial Park. Mrs. Allie Bell Collins Mrs. Allie Bell Collins.

65. retired postmaster of Vaiden. died at 7 a.m. today at her home, 170 N. Hollywood.

Mrs. Collins was born in Vai1 den and lived there until moving to Memphis four years ago. She had been employed in the Vaiden Post Office 25 years, and had served as postmaster for eight years. She was the widow of Guy Collins, who died about 10 years ago. She was a member of the Vaiden Methodist Church.

She leaves three children, inMiss Jo Collins of Memphis, a sister and a brother, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. McGehee Funeral Home of Winona, is in charge of services. Mrs. Ludon Cohen Mrs. Ludon Cohen of 144 N.

Belvedere, wife of Harry Cohen. died at St. Joseph Hospital at 6:30 last night following an illness of three years. Mrs. Cohen, 55, was a lifelong Memphian.

She was a communicant of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Rose Wells of Memphis, and a brother. Rosary will be at 8 tonight at Memphis Funeral Home. Mass will be said at 10 a.m.

tomorrow at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, with burial in Calvary Cemetery. Mrs. Kellerman Services for Mrs. Bertha Wolff Kellerman, 72, who died at Baptist Hospital yesterday afternoon, will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. at J.

W. Nor- Personals -2 BILLS PRESSING? Consolidate your bills. past due or not into one low payment. Not a loan. no co-signers.

no security. Home owned. Garnishmnets avoided. FAMILY BUDGET CO 522-28 Exch. Bldg.

526-8506 WHITE grill man a wanted. Apply in person. INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES 1280 UNION BLOOD DONORS NEEDED--CASH PAID INTERSTATE BLOOD BANK 174 N. Third Open 8 TO 5 READY CASH Loan on golf clubs, typewriters. shotguns, outboards.

silver. radios. HiFi's. North Memphis Loan. 646 Poplar.

526-2964. of Union Christ for formerly there. daughters, DAY, Estate South's 76, former died Waynoka today. of Horace nurseryShe was and had about 50 school? child and nourly Loan but 15 So. $19 50.

STATE M. 946-1785. 274-2447. MEMPHIS Funeral Home Phone 278-0100 1177 UNION AVENUE Rare Coins--Stamps -15 HIGHEST PRICES PAID If you have any U. S.

coins of value--not listed here. call for highest offer. We are interested in good coins of any denomination. CENTS: 1866. 67.

1895 thru 1908-15c 1909 Ind. $62.50 1909s VDB $105 NICKELS: We buy any nickels from 1866 thru 1899. All 1912D Dimes 1892S $10.25 1904S QUARTERS: Highest prices paid for quarters from 18920 to 1955D. Also interested in buying Peace Dollars. All coins must be in good or better condition.

GRANDMA'S ATTIC 1157 Poplar 275-1219 COIN collection, sets and gold. 682- 4451. ris Funeral Home, with burial in Temple Israel Cemetery. Mrs. Kellerman and her husband, the late Julius Lou Kellerman, for many years operated a leased women's apparel department at the Landres Co.

Mr. Kellerman died in 1953. She was born in New York City and had lived in Memphis for 45 years. She was a member of Temple Israel. She leaves a sister and a brother.

Benjamin Salter Inns Give Up Buildings A $722,000 offer by the State of Tennessee for the Holiday Inn Crump and not nearly Charles Collins, senior vice president of Holiday Inns, said today, and so Holiday Inns is letting the state take the building but will fight for a higher price in court. Tennessee wants about half the ground that the building is on for interchange of Interstate 255 and Crump Boulevard. Methodist Revival To Hear Bishop Bishop Ellis Finger of Nashville, new presiding bishop of the Memphis Conference of the Methodist Church, will make his first visit to Memphis since his election this summer to speak for a laymen's revival at St. James Methodist Church, 4609 Knight-Arnold Road, at 5 p.m. Oct.

11. The revival begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, with Judge William B. Leffler to speak. R.

H. (Red) Bond of Dyersburg will speak Thursday, Paul Dorman of Friday, and Clarence Hampton and John Cleghorn for morning services that Sunday. W. B. McLellan heads the men's group sponsoring the revival.

Rev. Jerry B. Carr is pastor. LODGE NOTICES WOODLAWN LODGE NO 211 de bers action of Friday regular regular at 7:00 stated business. p.m.

meeting brethren Mom- Transexpected visiting in invited. R. L. TRACEY. S.

W. A. P. HUNT. Secretary I C.

Oct. S. L. LODGE NOTICES DE SOTO LODGE NO. F.RAN and Court its regular stated meeting this Fridas Oct.

p.m. Members requested attend Visitors are always HERMAN R. BOMAR. FRED NUNNERY. Secretary.

STONEWALL LODGE NO. 723 1581 Overton Park Ave. hold school of instruction this evening at 7:00 p.m Members urzed to attend. Visiting welcome. LOMAX.

M. D. HUDGINGS. Secretary. 265.

LEMORE Eastern AVE. Star. CHAPTER 4 will Chapter hold Hall 591 stated meeting McLemore Oct at Ave. this Friday evening 1 p.m. for transacting business.


Secretary 235. RAM. will CHAPTER rezuHOUCK NO. lar stated meeting this Friday, Oct. 2nd.

7:30 m. Members expected. visiting brethren wel- HOWELL. H. P.

W. PARROTT. Secretary BERCLAIR LODGE No. 771, Will de p.m hold Friday. All regular October Master stated Second Masons meeting at urged this 7:30 to attend HARVEY GLIDEWELL, WM.

R. CAMPBELL. Secretary No. BETHEL GROVE CHAPTER 338. will hold stated meeting on Friday.

Oct. at 6 p.m.. at the chapter hall. 1662 Kendale Ave OPAL RAGSDALE. W.


G. Morris Funeral Home 2944 Walnut Grove Rd. 323-1122 (ADVERTIsem*nT) (ADVERTIsem*nT) Do you know the hidden cause of stomach distress? One of the most common causes tress, it also relieves one of its of ordinary stomach distress- most common causes. gas pains, sourness and over- Almost instantly, this antacidity-is a temporary slow- acid laxative sparkles away gas down in your intestinal system. pains, sourness and overacidity.

Simple seltzer tablets and Then it speeds on, as only a stomach sweeteners do nothing fluid can, to clear away the into speed up your intestinal sys- testinal wastes that so often tem-nothing to relieve the in- cause these stomach problems. testinal blockage that causes so Next time stomach distress much stomach distress. bothers you, try sparkling Sal That's why you should know Hepatica. It leaves you feeling about sparkling Sal fresh, vital, regular -the way It not only relieves stomach dis- you want to feel. Lost and Found -17 LOST -Male Beagle, vic.

Chickasaw Gardens. answers to license No. 15890. 4 sad children offer reward. 323-3543.

LOST-Grandma bracelet, sterling silver, Main Gayoso. 10 name heads. Reward. 323-7848 or 327-8768. LOST -Doberman Pincher dog.

Vic. Jonesboro, Ark. Call collect. 427- 8379 Jackson, Tenn. Dan Henson.

LOST-3 pr. eyeglasses in black canraincoat case. Vic. E. Mps.

452-2750. LOST Navy sweater. BellevueCentral or Meth. Hosp. 275-3504.

Trade Schools BARBER AND BEAUTY LEARN IT RIGHT AT MOLER SCHOOL BEAUTY 118 MADISON JA 6-7301 Approved by Miss Barber Board BARBER 82 No. 2nd St. JA 5-8108 NEW method of learning night classes in refrigeration. cooling and heating. Terms desired.

CH TRADE SCHOOLS 1092 Union Ave. 278-2984 LOCAL SCHOOL--Air conditioning, electronics. radio announcing. MTM. Allied Tech.

Schools, 207 Madison, 525-8896. Educational Instructions -20 EARLY POSITIONS WITH Top Incomes AWAIT! FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE Yes. streamlined courses and unparelleled prestige with employers have brought top placement opportunities to thousands in a few short weeks. Many careers available: IBM Key Punch Basic automation Executive Secretary Clerk-Typist Gregg Shorthand Speedwriting Shorthand Receptionist Auditing Procedure Business Administration Comptometer Operators Higher Accounting Benjamin F. Salter, 60, who installed the beautiful teakin the lobby of the First National Bank Building, died at 6 last night at Baptist Hospital.

Mr. Salter, who lived at 3679 Douglass, was a carpenter specializing in finishing and cabinet work. He was born in Wooster, and had lived in Memphis since 1937. He was a member of Park Avenue Baptist Church. He leaves his wife, Mrs.

Bernice Salter; three sons, including Edward E. Salter and David L. Salter, both of Memphis; two brothers, W. J. Salter and Carl B.

Salter, both of Memphis; a sister; and three be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Park Avenue Baptist Church, with Memphis Funeral Home in charge. Ollie Stiles Ollie Stiles, 70, of 1569 N. Highland, a tailor, died at 10:45 a.m. at Kennedy Veterans Hospital, where he had been a patient about a week.

Arrangements are incomplete. Compassionate Visits Begin at Berlin By United Press International BERLIN. The Communists today opened The Wall for West Berliners to visit East Berlin relatives for compassionate reasons. They also accepted applications for passes I for regular visits at the end of this month and over the Christmas holidays. Lost and Found -17 FOUND Lady's watch at Fair.

Wed. rite. Owner identify and pay for ad. 942-3837 after 3 p.m. WHO CAN DO IT? CALL AN EXPERT! MR.


GARAGE HENRY M. MOORE 327-7772 Construction Co. 685-5114 ELECTRIC wiring. elec FAST dryers. ranges, connected.

Dunn. 7-7208. R. J. HENDERSON Tile baths.

broken tile. patch tile. 275-2705. REMODELING. Roofing.

Additions. Free est. Terms. Massey. 458-6120.

Carpenter repairs, small jobs, white. JOE TRIBBLE 357-7193, 274-9893 ADDITIONS Garages, repairs. 15 years' experience. Free estimates. Save Fair prices.

FHA terms. See our completed work. Talk to our customers. Solid construction. V.


Willett 275-8128 LET US BUILD AN EXTRA ROOM ON YOUR HOME FREE ESTIMATES Repairs Alum. Siding Roofing Dens Additions Carports Up To 7 Yrs. To Pay Whitehead Const. 2614 Overton Crossing EL 7-7461 358-0884 FLOOR REFINISHINGRAN 2-6241 BOONE FLOORS -Sanded finished. $20 up.

327-7078. American Floor Ser, of 1. a 3. he Qua, Oct Oct cle: LODGE CHAPTER NO. SHELBY S.

at Germantown have Potluck Friday, 2 at 6 p.m. Masons and Germantown Lodge families No. 95. RAM. cordially invited Stated meeting follows at 6 honoring Eastern Stars.

Masons. MAY INGLE. WREN. HELEN SMITH. Secretary.

DEATH NOTICES 25252525252525 MEMPHIS Funeral Home 1177 UNION AVE PH 278-0100 SERVICES FOR FLEMING WILLIAM 19 years. At 30. 1964. Fleming. son Fleming.

James ing. Memphis; Memphis. Ark day. MEMPHIS Jerry Glisson. Park.

OAKLEY MRS. PET Palm Beach. H. H. Oakley.

Sister of W. Askew. Mrs. phis. Funeral day.

MEMPHIS ment in Forest ROSE MRS. SUSIE years, at 8:45 a.m. Memphis; son. Baltimore, Maywood, son, Lindsey. great Saturday.

Rev A B. Hill Cemetery, STRAW SINKANT, Bonheur Hosp. Robert Sheryl Lynn daughter of inggood. and Straw. Great Lovingzood.

J. R. Straw Saturday in Arnold Watson by MEMPHIS COOPER MRS. 24. 1964.

w-lI Dip.m. in our chapel after will officiate Cemetery. GREEN WILLIAM Jacksonpital Remains funeral parlor Funeral Elcanaan Rev MOTLEY HOME in McCADDEN MRS. ber 30. at held at Covington, urday.

Body 11:00 a.m Fouse Cemetery Ripley, Tenn. MRS. Crump dence 658 Mr. James Southern 10 pm. 11 a.m Johnson Park HOME.

440 TINNON MRS. of her Sent 30. Jefferson Lula Brown Jefferson. leaves 13 children. vive.

Body of God in day, Oct. neral at 8 officiating tery Sunday, in Tillatobia, NERAL Salesmen Wanted -22 AMBITION If you are ambitious and desire to succeed. National Concern has a permanent position available with excellent opportunity In the Indusdustrial Lubrication field selling specialized petroleum products. Sales experience not necessary as our Managers have trained new men to make $15.000.00 and more per year in commissions and cash bonuses. Drawing account available when qualified.

We are especially interested in men who desire future advancement. Good car a must. For personal interview see LEROY BANECK. HOTEL CHISCA. MEMPHIS.

TENNESSEE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 3 at 9:30 A.M. or 1:30 P.M. NEED 5 MEN Must be refined and willing to work.

who would like to learn the automobile business. Training classes start immed. Apply person to: John Carr or "Frank James Hull-Dobbs East 2283 POPLAR New Olds Dealer Desires to train 3 young men as salesmen. Prefer men age 25-35 are aggressive, ambitious, and capable of earning a year! This is an opportunity to learn the automobile business from the ground up. See FRANK CARR at ANDREWS OLDS 962 Union.

NO calls please! PART-TIME need an employed white man to help in my business evenings. Pleasant and interesting work. North American Electronics. 323-1126. SALESMAN Man with paint and wallpaper exp.

to sell in and out of store. Good oppor. for right person. Contact Mr. Lewey or Mr.

Wade at PhelanFaust Paint Mfg. Co. 428 Perkins 683-6177. Retail Salesman Young man, 23 to 35, for inside retail paint sales with large Paint Manufacturer. Experience necessary.

Excellent company benefits. Call 272-1729. Mr. R. R.

Beil. REGISTERED BARBER PORTER 458-2443. Mr. McGehee Salesmen Wanted -22 Experienced Salesman To sell I chain link fence capable of managing branch office. Call R.

L. Starks, Pine Bluff, Ark. JE 5-8901 or JE 5-4085 nites. FIELD SALES MERCHANDISER The Mennen Co. Founded 1878 The man we need is a high type clean cut young man between ages 23 and 27, college education (2 years minimum marketing major or equivalent sales experience).

Will headquarter in Memphis -traveling throughout the MidSouth making drug and food trade contacts. We want a man capable and interested in growth and position with expanding company. Compensation includes base salary, travel expenses, air conditioned automobile and complete operating expenses. Liberal company fringe benefits include paid life insurance, travel insurance, group hospitalization and pension retirement plan. Only replies which include complete details of education, business experience and personal background will be considered.

Applicants must be available for personal interview. All replies held confidential. Reply to Box P-758 care this paper. RICHARD FLEMING, aged John Gaston Hospital Sept. Husb-1 Mrs.

Marie Elaine of Mr. and Mrs. William brother of Raymond Fleming. Fleming. Miss Catherine, Flem: Mrs.

Pete Services 10:00 a.m. SaturFUNERAL HOME. Dr. Interment in Memorial SABIN OAKLEY. at West Sept.

30. 1964. Wife of West Palm Beach. Fla. N.

Harrington. Mrs. Alma Thelma Ray. all of MemServices. 2:30 SaturFUNERAL HOME, InterHill Cemetery.

ABBIE ROSE, aged 60 Baptist Hospital. Oct 1. 1964. Wife of Lonrance R. Rose, mother of Mrs.

Evelyn Clifford Rose. Illinois, sister 8 of Ben grandchildren, H. John, grandchildren. Services 2:00 p.m. MEMPHIS HOME.

Rogers. Interment in Forest KIMBERLY MICHELLE days old. October Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Straw.

Memphis Sister of Straw. Memphis, Grand Mr. and Mrs. Raymond LovMr and Mrs. Robert L.

Granddaughter of Mrs. May Mrs. Anna Shelton. and Mrs. Graveside services 10:00 m.

Memorial Park. Brother 1. officiating. Arrangements FUNERAL HOME. FTHEL COOPER SING -Sept Chicago, Ill.

Funeral services held tomorrow. Saturday. at chapel. Remains will be in 6 Elder Anthony Interment in Mt. Carmel QUALLS CO.

DAN GREEN. Sept 28. County General Hos. will lie In state at the Friday from 6 to 10 p.m. 1:00 Saturday Oct Baptist Church.

Whiteville, Holmes officiating AND RIVERS FUNERAL charge PEARL McCADDEN, on 12:15 p.m. Funeral will Collins Chapel C.M E. Church. Tennessee. at 1.00 p.m.

In state at church from until 1:00 p.m. Rev officiating. Interment in Townsend THOMAS FUNERAL HOME, Phone 1521. SLAUGHTER WILLIE SLAUGHTER -A: E. Hospital, Sept.

Late restWright St Apt No 4 Wife Slaughter. Body in state Sunday, Oct. 4. 1964. from 6 Funeral Monday, Oct.

5 1964. our chapel with Rev. Ed officiating. Interment New Cemetery SOUTHERN 7311. FUNERAL Vance Ave.

527 ELLA TINNON- the residence daughter. 1659 Rayburn St 1964 Mother of Mrs. Martha Mary Lizzie Abraham. Mrs Mother-in-law of Elder Mr. James Abraham.

She grandchildren, 24 great- grandOther relatives and friends surin state at Lambert Church Christ, 1070 Keating Satur3. 1964. from 6 till 8 p.m Fu p.m. with Elder Eddie Rodgers Interment in Tinnon CemeOct. 4, 1964.

at 11:30 a.m Miss. SOUTHERN FUHOME. 440 Vance Ave. 527-7311 BARNES MRS. ANNIE lie in in 11 in to inter.


Crump Hospital. Sept. 29, 1964 Late residence. 1976 Glory Circle. Body in state at St.

Matthew Baptist Church. 643 Wicks Avenue. Saturday, Oct. 1964. from 6 to 8 p.m.

Funeral services at 8 p.m. Rev. H. H. Harper, Rev.

Slay officiating. Interment in Mt. Carmel Annex. Sunday. Oct.

4. 1964, at 10 a SOUTHERN FUNERAL HOME, 440 527-7311- McCADDEN in state Vollintine Baptist Church (Vollintine St.I Friday. Oct. 2. 1964.

from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Funeral services commencing at the above named church at 8 officiated by Rev W. M. Fields, Jr.

Interment in Hollywood Cemetery. Saturday Oct. 3. 1964 at 10 am. O.

PATTERSON FUNERAL HOME. Service. 2204 Chelsea 274-8623. BROOKS IRVIN BROOKS -Suddenly in Greenfield. Sept.

28. 1964. Husband of Mrs. Myrtle Brooks: father of Charles. Claude and Rickylee Brooks: step-father of Coleman this Mrs.

Mary Lou of city and Mrs. Rosie Mae Hurst of son of Sandy and Mrs. Sedonia Brooks: brother of Flove Sandy and Albert Brooks. Miss Jr. and Goldie Mae Brooks: half-brother of Mrs.

Alma Ashton of Springfield other relatives and friends. The remains will be our chapel this Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. for wake. Funeral services will commence at 8 p.m. with Rev Calvin Mims officiating.

Remains be shipped via railroad Saturday mornin 2 to Ponchatula. where ment will be held. Arrangements MRS. PEARL McCADDEN-At her resi. of dence.

604 N. Main Covington, Tenn Wednesday, Sept. 30. 1964. at 12:15 p.m.

Mother of Mrs. Charles F. McCadden. Tuskegee Institute. grandmother of Mrs.

Jean H. Fuquia. Detroit. Mich John and William A. McCadden.

kegee Institute great-grandmother of Sandra Fuouia Detroit. of Mrs. Otis McCain Covington. Tenn 60 sister-in-law of M. Ollie Newton.

Mre Kathleen Beeks. Messes. George and Lawrence McCadden other relatives friends. Due notice. THOMAS FUNERAL, HOME.

nhone 1571. Ripley, MEACHAM MRS. VASHTI MEACHAM. in Chicago, 111 The remains will he in our chanel this Friday from 6 to 10 p.m. for wake.

Funeral services will be held Saturday Oct. 3rd at 2 p.m. at Mt. Olive Cathe. dral with Rev.

Lightfoot officiat. Mt ing. Interment Carmel Cemetery Arrangements by R. S. LEWIS SONS.

526-3264. of MORELAND will state our Chapel Fridas. 2. 1964 from 6 10 pm. neral services in our chapel Saturdav.

1964 at m. ofifciated hy Rev Leon Brookins Interment In Carmel Annex. J. 0. PATTERSON FUNERAL HOME.

INC. Service. 2204 ChelAve 274-8623. MURPHY MRS. MARY JANE MURPHY, at John Gaston Hospital.

Sept 27th 1964 her late residence being 2081 Claremont mother of Mr. Albert and John Brown and Mr Charlie Murphy and Mrs Ora Lee Bailey, mother-in-law Mrs Vida. Sarah and Blanche Brown She leaves five grandchildren great17 grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews to mourn her passing. Wake this evening at Hickory Hills Baptist Church. 6 to 8.

Funeral at above church immediately thereafter with Rev. Wicks officiating Interment church cemetery. ORANGE MOUND BURIAL SERVICE. 2647 Carnes. GL 2-7331.

ROBINSON CHARLIE ROBINSON At residence Oct 1. 1964 Husband of Mrs Mamie Robinson. sIX children: brother of Mrs Florida DeShazier, Edward and Lee Lloyd Robinson and other relatives and friends Due notice. R. S.

LEWIS SONS. 526-3264. WILSON LITTLE DAVID EARL WILSON At John Gaston Hospital. Sept. 27 1964.

Beloved son of Mr and Mrs. Willie Wilson Brother of Aubrey. James. Jean Robert. Charles.

Brenda, Janice. Willie Jr Larry and Deborah. He leaves eight aunts. 10 uncles and a host of other relatives and friends 10 mourn his passing Remains will lie in state in our chapel. Enday, Oct.

2. 1964. from 6 until 8 Funeral at 8 same night with Elder Macklin officiating Interment in Rose Hill Cemetery. Saturday Oct 1964 at 10 a HOLLYWOOD FUNERAL HOME. 2896 Chelsea Ave 452-9340 MR.

FRED MORELAND Remains VICTORY FUNERAL HOME 845 Marechalneil 373-2636 MEMORIAL STUDIO 1470 S. BELLEYUE BLYD. NEAR CALVARY CEMETERY MONUMENTS Builders Erectors Designers DAY PHONE 948-9049 NITES HOLIDAYS BR 4-0346 LOTS OF FREE PARKING Educational Instructions -20 I.B.M. KEY PUNCH LEARN IN FOUR WEEKS Also Classes Forming In Basic Automation Free Placement Service Day Night Classes Now DRAUGHON'S 253 Madison JA 6-7457 Salesmen Wanted -22 BETTER JOB OPEN for 1 man, age 28 to 55 with sales ability. We will train you to sell and collect automobile ins.

No experience necessary. Local references required. Guaranteed salary, paid vacation. group insurance and profit sharing. See Mr.

Wadlington at 2115 Madison. YOUNG MEN, 18-24 Permanent career co. benefits. good working conditions. car furnished.

$300 per mo. guarantee if, qualified. For interview information ph. 272-7540. SPENCER INTERNATIONAL INC.

GROCERY Store Sta. men to take over growing business in Mohs. Chemicals. detail drugs and related items. $92 wkly.

Written guarantee to start. See or phone Mr. Verner. Room 202. 2600 Poplar Ave.

Bldg. 323-5876. VERIFIER For magazine leads. Local route work in Memphis. Experience helpful but not necessary.

Apply Mr. Osborn. Room 307. Building. Phone 527-0922.

LEADS! LEADS! LEADS! I've leads. merchandise and financing. All I need IS men to write the orders. No holdback. pay every.

day. Call Bivens Furniture. Co. 964 S. Coper.

276-2725. MAN with car for part-time work delivering Fuller Brush merchandise from reg. Fuller dealer. (white), avg. $30 wkly.

comm. Ph. mornings 7-8 or p.m., 323-5876 or 324-9435. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

PART-TIME WORK Man with car for delivery Fuller Brush merchandise from reg. Fuller dealer. (white). avg. $30 ph.

mornings 7-8 or p.m.. 323-5876 or 324-9435. 9 a.m. 9 pm. FULLER BRUSH needs 1 man to distribute Shoppers Guide days transportation necessary.

Up to $90 Guarantee start. For interview call 363-1654. 5-9 p.m. SALES TRAINEE, $450 Inside. High mech.

aptitude, train technical instrument repair. DELTA 44 N. 2nd. Suite 1002 HIGH SCHOOL boy. Salesman.

Dept. Store. Saturdays. A. Schwan.

163 Beale. THE RICH PLAN is now hiring salesmen. Phone 398-9281. HERMITAGE will hire train 2 men at co. expense.

396-9225. a.m. Educational Instructions -20 Learn World's Quickest Shorthand In 30 Days Jobs Await World's quickest ABC shorthand STENOSCRIPT no signs, no symbols assuring an early start toward future security. An average of 5 calls per graduate. Also Gregg Simplified, Secretarial, Accounting, Comptometer, Clerk- etc.

Terms if desired. Day-Night FREE PLACEMENT MILLER HAWKINS BUSINESS COLLEGE 282 N. CLEVELAND 276-1738 Select Your Used Car From These Pages Salesmen Wanted -22 To Our Readers And Advertisers The Memphis Publishing Co. requires that offers of employment state exactiv the work to be done Sales Help Wanted and Arents Wanted ad vertisem*nt must include the type of product to be sold or service to be rendered or the full company name plus the local phone number must Da included in the ad. 11 sums named shoula specify whether salary or commission or both.

(Example $75 week commission possible or Salary $300 5 month.) the Memphis Publishing Co. reserves the right to determine the right classification of an advertisem*nt. No mis-classification are permitted. Please report any misrepresentation to the Classified Man- Dial 526-8811 MARINE SALESMAN Major oil company has opening for representative in Memphis area. To solicit Marine lubricants and fuel in rivers area.

recent Maritime academy or graduate Marine engineer desired. Excellent opportunity for young and ambitious individual. Opening December 1 Interviews arranged. salary open. all replies confidential.

Send reMo. 63122. equal opportunity sume to P.O. ARBOR 9624 St. Louis.

employer. CHUCK HUTTON CO. HAS OPPORTUNITY For 3 aggressive salesmen between the ages, of 24 and 35 yrs. to sell new Dodge cars and trucks and used cars. This is your opportunity to join a company with 45 experience and know how.

Experience helpful but not necessary. Apply in person. See Ray Lutterman or Charlie McCollum, 1170 Union. Furniture and Appliances need furniture and appliance salesmen capable of earning $150 week comm. Good business.

good financing, floor time and plenty of qualified leads. Apply in person, 1940 S. Lauderdale. ROUTEMAN NEEDED Man, age 20 to 45. (White).

car necessary, deliver and take orders from Regular Fuller Brush tomers, references needed. $90 weekly to start, full time work. Phone 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 397-5412.

ROUTEMEN Nationally known Co. of chem. industrial prod. has openings for routemen, 20-45, married. white.

car necessary. Up to $105 written guarantee to start, Ph. 323-5876, 9-5. or nites. WANTED Manager exclusive private key club.

Experience necessary, Must br sober individual. good references. Send photo. resume. Good pay.

excellent opportunity. Write manager. Po. Box 120. Jackson.

Mississippi. NATIONAL concern will hire 3 young men to train for management positions in the sales field. Call 452- 3501 for a personal interview aupt. between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Mon. thru Fri. Groiler Society Inc. NEED 2 salesmen. Must be neat and have good auto.

Leads furnished. Best pay plan in town. Apply 8 10 p.m. Atlas Sewing Center. 2286 Central Ave.

AUTO PRODUCTS $350. College helpful, will train. Southern 1030 Exchange Bl. OUTSTANDING insurance sales opportunity. Different.

Contact Miss Beck. Tenn, Employment 272-3001. Help Wanted -Men -23 EXPERIENCED service station attendant. Salary plus commission. Apply in person.

65 W. Crump. SERVICE STATION attendant. Must have experience. Apply in person.

Gordon's Gulf, 5259 Poplar. SERVICE Station attendant. Must have experience. Apply in person. Gordon's Gulf.

5259 Poplar. GOOD BARBER--Good working conditions. Barber Shop. 966 So. Cooper.

WANTED-BACK-HOE OPERATOR sewer in Mississippi. Thompson Const. 527-7019. EXPERIENCED WHITE GRILL MAN. Apply in person.

Wolbrecht's. 50 N. Third. WANTED good sober barber to run shop. Johnson's Barber Shop.

211 S. Cooper 276-0649 after 3:30 p.m. LABORERS -Cut and split fireplace wood. Apply 1143 Biltmore. 7 a.m.

AUTOMOBILE Mechanic. apply at 675 Semmes. Salesmen Wanted -22 6 New Car Salesmen need 6 auto salesmen immediately. Experience preferred. not essential.

Will train. Age 24-40. Must be married. Starting salary and demo furnished if you qualify. We have, of beyond any dealer doubt, the best pay plan to offer you any in the Mid-South.

Apply in person; no phone calls. John Hawkins 939 Union SCHILLING ON UNION Help Wanted- -Men -23 SHAPIRO POSITIONS EXCHANGE 1205 Three Sisters Bldz. 63 Main at Union Ave FILE CLERK: 18-19. S. Grad.

$217 SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEE: 23-40 Good Sales Record Start at $300 DISTRICT SUPERVISORS: Heavy merchandising exper. in soft good lines. Fee pd $15.000 IND ENG Degree Young $450 SALES 26-35. Coll. acct.

bkgr. $125 wk. TRAFFIC CLERK: To 30. Coll bgr Exp traffic $350 ADJUSTER: 1-5 yrs, exper. CLERK 23-30 2 years coll.

PROGRAMMERS. Exp IBM 1401 or 705 CHIEF To 45. Exper. design heavy equip. Fee pd.

From WOODWORKER Special Notices FROM this date. I will not be responsible for any debts. other than those signed for by me. T. King, P.O Box No.

59. Letterman Gen. Hospital. San Francisco. Calif.

FROM this date I will not be responsible for any debts, but my own. Ben Bowie. 3524 Ashford Rd. AUTO INSURANCE Tor everyone. Low rates.

easy terms. Bob Mo Campbell. 948-8237. 1515 Humber. FLOORS sanded.

refinished. cleaned. waxed. H. Yavis (white), BR 4-5098.

FLOORS sanded, finished 3 rooms. $47.50. C. A. Harrell.

685-8136. FLOORS refinished. Speical 3 rooms $50. Frayser Floor Serv. 357-4624.

FURNACE REPAIRS- FURNACES -F. furn. Clean, repair. FREE EST. King 272-3346.

FURNACES cleaned, repaired. Free estimate. Lee Curcio. 452-5255. FURNACES Cleaned, repaired.

lighted. Acme Service. BR 4-3461. HAT CLEANINGROBERT JONES CUSTOM HATTERS New Location, 2016 Lamar Formerly 55 N. Third Now Is The Time To Have Your Hat Cleaned Hats Are Our Only Specialty HEATING -COOLING FOR HOT WATER.

STEAM AND FORCED AIR HEATING SERVICE CALL WALTERS Heating Air Conditioning Co. 24-HOUR SERVICE 358-2607 Bill Walters. HEATING TIME Floor furnaces replaced. low as $115. Repairs on all types furnaces.

Reasonable guaranteed. AAA HOME 363-2631 FLOOR Furnaces Heating Plants Coleman Furnaces-'Dilly' -357-0291. STORAGE- PAINTING- PAPERING- Moving? Cut Costs In Rent a low-cost U-HAUL truck here. Leave it at Your destination, Oneway service to 48 states. Late model 2-ton trucks with roomy.

16- foot van bodies. Hand trucks and pads available. Phone 276-9441. 948-9240. 683-2541, 323-6822, 327-1601.

872-1055. for reservations. E-Z Storage Van quality service use our local rates. Store, crate, ship long distance and world wide. 527-2597.

East Memphis Movers LOW FLAT RATES 275-1819 SAVE on moving and storage Quick delivery on long distance. 274-8554. Pete Templeton. 398-1553. ACE MOVING CO.

LOW RATES 525-8054 STORAGE-MOVING Low flat rates 324-3549 PAINTING- PAPERING- GAMMEL'S PAINTING-DEC. Ceilin swirled. Skilled. white. Free estimates.

After 5 p.m. 393-5314. EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR PAINTING. Call for free 'Estimate (white) J. Cole 357-6946 Experienced shaper, machine set up and operator.

Work in quality furniture plant. Immediate employment. Fringe benefits and good salary. Call Sam Belz Upholstered Products 458-4447. WANTED MECHANIC HEAVY EQUIPMENT State experience furnish references.

REPLY TO SHANNON BROS. Lumber Inc. P. O. Box 2863.

Desoto Sta. Memphis 26, APPLIANCE REPAIRS- FREE REPAIR EST. BY PHONE Refrigerators. Washers. Stoves NORTHSIDE APPLIANCE SERVICE 1004 Jackson 527-0016 THOMPSON'S.

Tutwiler. Refrigeration 685-1676. Appl. 4712 CABINET MAKING- WELL BUILT CUSTOM CABINETS Kitchens. bars.

counters. vanities. SPECIAL this mo. custom made bars, for kitchen den. 458-8388.

CERAMIC TILES- BATHROOM TILED- LOW PRICES HILL IS HERE-274-6765 R. CONCRETE WORK-- DRIVES, ports, J. E. drives. CONCRETE Excellent patios, walks, porches, car and dens.

CRESWELL- PA 1366 BISHOP CONST. CO -Concrete patios. walks. G1, 2-0474. porches, patios, drives ref.

F. E. Peak. 452-3032, CONTRACTORS--Alterations HOME IMPROVEMENTS Garages, dens. driveways.

Painting, sheetrock plastering. ROOM ADDITIONS DRIVEWAYS ROOFS- ALUMINUM SIDING HOME IMPROVEMENT INC CUSTOM BUILDERS 278-2378 BUILD OR REMODEL Rooms, dens, carports, brick masonryy retaining walls, planter hoxes. concrete drives, patio. Easy terms. McMillan (contractor) 398-7905 BLUFF CITY CONST.

ROOFING CO. Free est. 323-0739. ADDITIONS Repairs. remodeling and new build ing.

E. Gattis. 275-9598 ADDITIONS. dens. kitchens.

Expert planning Residential. commercial. Ernest W. McAfee. Bildor.

458-2558. REMODEL, repair. sheetrock installation and finishing. Free estimate. 948-6564 R.

G. Johnson. CARPENTER -New. remodel: no job too small. Mike Facelli.

363-9283. CARPENTER. Repairs, all kinds. 275-2734. 323-6555.

PLASTER. (white). patching, Ludlow. sheet rock. 683-5690.

(e- FLOOR leveling. replace sills. joists. piers. 30 years.

Northern. 323-5870. See Our Work Addition Specialists FAIR PRICES -HIGHEST QUALITY. 1 bank financing. NOTHING DOWN.


PAINTING papering, plaster, sheet rock. 1st class. J. A. McFarland.

276-6043. PAINTING Interior and exterior. All work guaranteed. 1st class reference. Bernie Hopper.

274-0918. GENERAL Housecleaning, decorating. Dan Wolfe. 324-3998. 392 2431 PAINT.

paper. patch plaster, steamlabor. McDonald. 685-7083. STEAMING, Plastering.

Painting. Papering. McCurdy (white) 398-3686. STEAMING. Painting, Papering.

35 yrs. exp Powell 685-1514. PAINTING Grissam. BR 40 6-5608. yrs.

exp. PAINTING. inside or out. swirl white labor, Sain. 458-1528.

PAINTING -Plastering Steaming, Alex Johnson. 946-4546. PEST ACME PEST CONTROL--Year Guar. Average Year $10 324-2991 685-7801 PLUMBINGWATER HEATERS, 20 30 50. Most anything for the do-it-yourself plumber.

Chelsea Replacement Parts. 3269 Chelsea, 323- 2238. PROMPT PLUMBING SERVICE Call 275-2395 Byrnes Plumbing Heating Co ECONOMY PLUMBING SERVICE HILL IS HERE-274-6765 ROOFINGNEW ROOFS. carports, dens. room additions, old roots repaired.

White roofers. Free estimates. CRESWELL-FA 3-1366 NEED A ROOF or roof repairs? Work guar Southwest Roofing Co. MU 2-1848 NEW roofs, leaks. gutters, insurance work.

carpentering, 20 yrs. exp. M. Owens (White) 397-4744. 391-0171.

ROOF Repairs, Gutter work. New Roofs. Don Kenyon JA 6-6917. GUTTERS cleaned. Free estimates Sam Lee.

JA 6-0138. TREE SURGERY- BOB'S TREE White labor. Free estimates. 357-7992. ACE TREE SURGEONS Pruning.

topping take down. 274-6934. TV- REPAIRS- Holland's Home TV Serv. (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) All work guar. 402 W.

Shelby Dr. 398-9808 R. L. HOLLAND AS MOVED Doing business as Ray Holland TV One-hour service. 398-8175 Call now for exciting FREE booklet.

"Tomorrow's Opportunities" and save TIME and MONEY. ACCREDITED Commission for by the Business Accrediting New classes now forming. Day DRAUGHON'S Business College JA 6-7457 253 Madison I KEY PUNCH Data Processing COMPUTER Our school is devoted exclusively tc IBM machine training. Tuition Can Be Financed DAY NIGHT CLASSES Punch Card Training FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE Of Memphis 527-4639 627 Adams 527-9090 Personals DIAL DIRECT FOR PERSON TO ADS PERS 3 ABC 2 526- PRS' 8892 TUV WXY FAST- ACTION Person to Person Want Ad Rates ARE LOW! 2 LINES STOCK CLERKS, $260 One co. needs 3 H.S.

grad trainees. JR. DRAFTSMAN H.S. drafting, trainee. $300.

SERVICE SUPERVISOR Car furn. 30-45. experience. $500. TRI-STATE PERSONNEL.

2 offices Dwtn. 410 Home Fed. 527-4301 East. 5000 Poplar. Suite 10.

683-6383 Administrative Assistant To large organization. Must have organization. the knowledge and exp. to work with the public-preferably with a degree in law. Good benefits.

Salary open. Send complete resume to Box No. P-147, care of this paper. OFFICE man and bookkeeper for large gin, grain elevator and farming operation. Burroughs machine exp.

helpful, salary, commensurate with ability. House in a town of 2,000. Apply to Box No. R-919. care of this paper.

chinery. Live on farm in farm, Miss. maWANTED-Repairman for Delta. Must have mechanical be sober and efficient. Salary lent commensurate with ability, equivato City pay.

Write your qualifications to Box R-749. this paper, WANTED Sheet metal me mechanics experienced in installation in residential heating and air conditioning. 386-1919. HANDY MAN To work in small motel. Prefer retired man (white).

Experience not required. Small salary. Call 327-8416 NEED men experienced in cabinet work. Laminated plastics cabinet installation. Must furnish reference.

Apply to Box No. P-1260 care of this paper. WANTED-2 experienced service station men. (White), Salary and com730 mission. Williams Texaco So.

Mendenhall. No phone calls. SEWING machine mechanic. Must have knowledge of zig zag and straight stitch. Apply 8 to 10 a.m.

2286 Central. for PERMANENT retail position. Negro man delivery truck driver. 5 1761 days. Apply in person.

Seessel's. Union Ave. SERVICE STA. attendant. middle aged.

must have references. Apply Nelli. person. 1694 S. Humble Lauderdale.

Oil J. R. WAREHOUSEMAN H.S. Grad. Varied duties.

to 28. Southern 1030 Exchange BI. CHEM. LAB TECH. HS or 1 yr.

college chemistry math bkard. $350. INDEX EMPLOYMENT-107 S. Court HYDRAULIC OVERHAUL: cylinders. pumps, Weld.

Start $2.25 hr. INDEX EMPLOYMENT-107 S. Court RETIRED 20 vr. service men-H. S.

grad to 55. For guard duty. Guardsmark Inc. F27-3535. EXPERIENCED Service Sta.

attendWhitehaven DX Service Station, 3815 Hi-way 51 South. GUARD part-time weekends. $1.25 hr. Age 40 to 55. 397-1580.

(Continued on Following Page).

The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.